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Dinner at the Panda Palace
Author:   Calmenson, Stephanie / Nadine Bernard Westcott
Category: - Animals  Concepts 

ISBN: 9780064434089  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Join one hungry elephant, two carsick lions, three pigs running from a wolf, and dozens of other playful yet famished animals as they swing, bound, and bounce into the Panda Palace for a hearty meal.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2-- As Mr. Panda graciously greets guests arriving at his restaurant, he also invites readers to enjoy a rollicking counting rhyme. A peanut-selling elephant shows up first, then two carsick lions, three pigs (carrying their building materials and pursued by a slavering wolf), and on through assorted critters until ten chickens bring seating to capacity. When a tiny mouse asks to come in, Mr. Panda hastily makes room because, "No matter how many,/ No matter how few,/ There will always be room/ At the Palace for you!" Unforced, funny quatrains are reinforced with hilarious illustrations full of perfect details. The party of penguins is served fish, five monkeys have bananas, the giraffes (who had been painting rooftops) nibble leaves and twigs, peacocks dine on snails. And, as the guests depart carrying doggie bags, and the alligator waiters sponge tables, readers will almost be able to hear Mr. Panda say, "Whew!" as he hangs the closed sign. Perfect company for Hogrogian's Always Room for One More (Holt, 1965) and De Regniers's May I Bring a Friend (Atheneum, 1964). --Virginia Opocensky, formerly at Lincoln City Libraries, NB

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I love this book almost as much as my 2 year-old does. It has GREAT illustrations and fun rhymes, making it a pleasure to read. Even after months of reading this book nearly every day, I still like it. Aside from the obvious counting lessons, there are other things to be learned from this book for kids; my son is very interested in what all the animals are eating. It also gently teaches flexibility and kindness. Along with Goodnight Moon, I often give this book as a gift. Give yourself one and get this book!

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