畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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I'm Smart! (Kate and Jim Mcmullan)
Author:   Kate McMullan / Jim McMullan
Category: Fiction - Bedtime  School 

ISBN: 9780062449238  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


Overview / 简介:
rom the popular creators of I Stink! and I’m Dirty!—now a streaming animated series—comes the perfect school-time addition to their noisy series: a school bus!

Smarter than a rocket scientist, more powerful than a monster truck, able to halt traffic with the flick of a switch! Drive you to school and keeps you safe!
Who am I?
Your school bus, that’s who!

I’m Smart! is the latest A+ addition to Kate and Jim McMullan’s hilarious read-aloud series.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS-Gr 2—Oozing confidence and energy, a big-eyed, grinning school bus describes his morning route, informing listeners that it "takes BRAINS to do my job—drive you to SCHOOL and keep you SAFE!" As with previous titles, the McMullans (I'm Brave!; I Stink!; I'm Cool!) infuse everyday activities with an infectious excitement bound to entice vehicle-loving youngsters. When the bus's lights flash amber, it means "Cars and trucks, SLO-O-O-OW DOWN!" And when the lights turn red and the bus's stop paddle pops out, he commands, "Everybody stop! And don't move till I quit flashing." When a sporty silver car doesn't heed the bus's warning to halt, a police car shows up—to the glee of the bus's passengers. After a closed lane brings traffic to a crawl, the bus keeps the bored kids from getting antsy with a pop quiz, alerts them about a bump in the road, and, at last, delivers them to school. Rendered in bold colors and fonts and rarely skimping on the exclamation points, the text is utterly exuberant, ideal for read-alouds. Though the vehicles have a goofy, cartoonish look, the watercolors are painterly and elegant, particularly those depicting the wide expanse of houses along the bus's route. VERDICT A perfect back-to-school storytime option, and a fun way to prepare children who are nervous about taking the school bus for the first time.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Kate McMullan is the author of the easy-to-read books featuring Fluffy, the Classroom Guinea Pig, the middle grade series Dragon Slayers’ Academy, and Myth-o-Mania, the Greek myths as told by Hades. She is also the author of the Geisel Honor Book Pearl and Wagner: One Funny Day. Kate and Jim McMullan have collaborated on many popular picture books, including I'm Brave!; I'm Fast!; I'm Big!; I'm Bad!; I'm Dirty!; and I Stink!, a New York Times Best Illustrated Book and a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Honor Book. The McMullans live in Sag Harbor, New York. Jim McMullan is an internationally acclaimed illustrator and poster designer whose work can be seen in The Theater Posters of James McMullan. His most recent book is the illustrated memoir Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood. Kate and Jim McMullan have collaborated on many popular picture books, including I'm Brave!; I'm Fast!; I'm Big!; I'm Bad!; I'm Dirty!; and I Stink!, a New York Times Best Illustrated Book and a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Honor Book. The McMullans live in Sag Harbor, New York.

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