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Grandpa's Little One  有内页照片
Author:   Crystal, Billy / Guy Porfirio
Category: Fiction - Family  GrandP 

ISBN: 9780060781750  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Award-winning comedian, director, actor, and bestselling author Billy Crystal is, above all things, a devoted grandfather. Drawn from his own experience, "Grandpa's Little One" tells the story of the first year in his grandbaby's life. It's a year filled with tender memories of every first-time event: first smile, first swim, first giggle and laugh, first piece of cake. Seen from a grandfather's point of view, each reverberates with love, tenderness, and a sense of humour. Grandparents everywhere will recognize themselves in the words and pictures of this book.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Crystal's granddaughter turns a year old in this emotion-charged follow-up to I Already Know I Love You. "Happy birthday, little sweet one,/ you're one year old today./ I gave you your first piece of cake,/ once Mommy said, 'OK.' " Ironically, this talented comedian's stabs at humor tend toward the banal ("I'm glad it was hot out so we could/ go swimming in the pool./ I love to watch you do new things—/ all you used to do was drool"). More effective are revelations of simple yet precious moments, as the grandfather watches his daughter sharing a hug with her little one and delights in introducing the child to her image in the mirror. Porfirio's (The Littlest Angel) illustrations convey the affection between grandfather and his cherubic granddaughter. But in some images of the grandfather attempting to entertain the child, the narrator looks misshapen. The artist's other efforts, such as the antics of the affable family dog, which purloins a piece of birthday cake, and curls up at the foot of her crib at day's end, her birthday crown resting on its head, meet with greater success. Despite its occasionally stumbling rhythm and forced rhyme, Crystal's poem delivers sentiments that will likely strike a resonant chord with many grandparents. The author reads his narrative on an accompanying CD. All ages.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I've always been a fan of Billy Crystal and I've read a few of his other kids books and enjoyed them, so I knew I'd love this too. It makes a fantastic gift for someone or just to have as an extra book for your child. My friends daughter has this and so I've read their copy admittedly. It's 32 pages and it's understandable for the kids. It's all about the childs first year; first piece of cake, first time in a swimming pool etc. The illustrations are excellent (there is a hillarious picture of the Grandfather changing the diapers). Basically, this is another great book from the very funny Billy Crystal and it's so cute, that any child is bound to love it, and any Grandpa is bound to love reading it to his little one. I highly recommend it.

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