畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Umbrella Queen  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Bridges, Shirin / Taeeun Yoo
Category: Fiction - Family  General 

ISBN: 9780060750404  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3—In a village high in the hills of Thailand, the people make umbrellas decorated with flowers and butterflies. Finally allowed to paint one, young Noot quickly demonstrates her talent to copy her mother's example, but when she's left on her own, she fills her umbrellas with fanciful elephants having fun and "being silly" instead of the expected designs. Her parents remind her that they earn their income by selling the traditional flower-and-butterfly umbrellas, and she knows that she must follow her mother's directions. But late at night, Noot continues to depict elephants on doll-size umbrellas, proudly arranging them on the windowsill. When the King arrives to choose this year's Umbrella Queen, the woman who has created the most beautiful design, he notices the miniatures and bestows the title upon Noot, because she "paints from her heart." Yoo's orange, green, and black colored linoleum prints wonderfully establish the tone for the story, which is related through gracefully told text. The delicately detailed images convey the characters' expressions as well as the loveliness of their creations. Narrative and artwork combine to tell a universal tale about individuality and following your heart to develop your talent.—Susannah Richards, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is a very special book with such a beautiful illustration. Bright yellow based color gives the feeling of the warm weather in Thailand and the linoleum block print images are gorgeous. My 4 years old daughter loves this book so much. After reading this book, we made a little umbrella together and painted on it whatever my daughter wanted to draw. It was such a fun activity and with the special experience of her own, she enjoys this book even more.

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lawyershen: 用心绘画 2011/11/12 7:59:00
四岁妞妞幼儿园本周的主题是“伞花朵朵”,让家长收集与伞相关的图片等等。妈妈就借了这本书回来试试。故事情节是:泰国有个村庄家家绘伞。小女主人公也很喜欢绘伞,最喜欢在伞上画活泼可爱的大象,大象追蝴蝶、大象玩倒立、大象排队走。。。但是大人允许小女主人公画大象,因为画好的伞是要卖钱的,收购伞的商店只收购画着花和叶的伞。小女孩只能在晚上用平时省下的边角材料做小伞,画大象。有一天国王来了,来评选伞画得最好的“伞皇后”。国王透过窗户看见小女孩窗前的大象小伞,决定小女孩当选当年的“伞皇后”,夸她“she paints from her heart".这一寓意对妞妞非常重要。妞妞喜欢自编故事和歌曲,但总是不敢跟人讲第二遍,说自己是乱讲、乱唱的。希望妞妞能从本书中懂得那不是乱讲,乱唱,那是用心在讲、在唱。随心就好:)。妞妞本人对书的反应不算强烈,最喜欢的部分是小女孩用边角料绘小伞。估计等妞妞大一点后,妈妈会重借这本书。这本书的语言非常美,神态描写很生动。
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