畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Sticky People
Author:   Johnston, Tony / Cyd Moore
Category: Nonfiction - Bedtime  General 

ISBN: 9780060287597  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
Do you . . . eat with sticky fingers and slurp tea-party tea? Can you . . . make a goopy mud cake and sticky cards with glue? Then this book is for you!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-K–From breakfast to bedtime, readers follow a pair of siblings through their day of jam, syrup, mud, paste, and mashed potatoes (and the yucky effects they have on cats, dogs, teddy bears, pants, etc.). The chanting rhymes celebrate all this stickiness: Sticky people love to play with/Furry teddy bears./Fuzzy, wuzzy, sticky also./No one sticky cares. However, the delicate watercolor illustrations downplay the glorious mess. The book winds down with Dad washing the goo away with a bath. The parents put their clean children to bed, but the last page shows the day's sticky remnants and promises an equally messy tomorrow. An additional purchase.–Julie Roach, Cambridge Public Library, MA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Very cute story. Both my 18 month old and my 3 year old stay interested from start to finish.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
In Her Own Words... "When I was young I wanted to be a veterinarian or a 'bugologist' since I collected everything that crawled or flew. I even raised monarch butterflies! But when a fellow teacher read one of my short stories, written for my class, she asked if I had ever considered writing for children. I hadn't. So I tried. As soon as I realized how hard (and how satisfying) it was, I was hooked. "I think of words as beads in a wonderfully cluttered shop. I wander through the door, pour samples of each kind through my hands, carefully select what I can't live without from the vast assortment, then go home clutching my treasures. One by one, I string my bead-words, holding them to the light now and then; slipping one off, adding another; listening to the glorious taps and clicks they make as they roll against each other; until at last they are strung into sentences, paragraphs, books that I hope will be beautiful--or exquisitely ridiculous-to a reader." "Tony Johnston has written more than eighty books for young people. She graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and a Master of Arts in education. "In the 1960's, her husband Roger's banking job brought them to New York City. As a "slush" reader at Harper & Row in a time when the field of children's literature was booming, Mrs. Johnston was able to "saturate herself" in the industry. "John Steptoe was in and out, working on his first book. Anita and Arnold Lobel were there. And I remember Maurice Sendak coming in with his father to have lunch with Ursula Nordstrom." While reading the unsolicited manuscripts of other children's writers, she continued to develop her own writing. "Roger's job led them to Mexico City, where two of their three daughters were born. During their fifteen years living in Mexico, Mrs. Johnston persisted with her writing. She also wrote many stories in Spanish, including works commissioned by the Mexican government. Many of her cherished Mexican experiences became springboards for books she would eventually publish. "In 1985, the life of this award-winning author came full circle. She returned to San Marino, California-where she had grown up--and now shares a home with her husband and their three daughters, jenny, Samantha, and Ashley, as well as her wire-haired dachshund named Suzi. "Johnston never stops working. In addition to her writing, she has worked at a children's bookstore, taught a course at UCLA on picturebook writing, and studied poetry writing for children with Myra Cohn Livingston. She continues to strive toward her life goal-to be a good storyteller. "The author offers this advice: "Read your brains loose!"

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