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 vicky_xfh的书评 - 安妮花英语俱乐部

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9780316018449 vicky_xfh: 内容简单,有趣!2013/3/26 17:10:00
Ghost Eats It All! Ghost eats ice cream. Ghost eats an egg. Ghost eats an apple. Ghost eats pizza. Ghost eats candy. Ghost eats cake. BOO! Monster eats leftovers.
  45 顶.
9781927148587 vicky_xfh: 有趣的内容2013/3/26 17:04:00
Crossing the road Mrs Maggie Mox with her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box crossed the road. Mrs Maggie Mox didn’t have her glasses on. She didn’t see that the light was red. A woman in a blue car, said:“Look out! Look out!” The blue car stopped just in time. A yellow taxi put on its brakes and ran into the blue car. A white van went toot-toot-toot. Then it hit the yellow taxi with a bang! A red fire engine, with its siren going, ran into the white van. A truck with tomatoes ran into the fire engine. A police car ran into the truck with tomatoes. A milk tanker ran into the police car. What a mess! The people growled and shouted. Mrs Maggie Mox with her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box got to the other side of the road. Mrs Maggie Mox put on her glasses. “Look at that accident!” Said Mrs Maggie Mox to her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box.
  0 顶.

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